QUICK NOTE: The Trojan Force has changed it's snail mail address to:
654 Solano Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90012
7/8 - 2024 Trojan Olympians
Here's our list so far:
Rai Benjamin (USA)
Chris Borzor (HAITI)
Aaron Brown (CANADA)
Anna Cockrell (USA)
Kyra Constantine (CANADA)
Andre DeGrasse (CANADA)
Ayden Owens Delerme (PUERTO RICO)
Kendall Ellis (USA)
Amalie Iuel (NORWAY)
Jasmine Jones (USA)
Michael Norman (USA)
NEW ADD: Lorea Ibarzabal (SPAIN)
Jordan Scott (JAMAICA)
TeeTee Terry (USA)
Lanae-Tava Thomas (JAMAICA)
Nicole Yeargin (GREAT BRITAIN)
Gianna Woodruff (PANAMA)
6/1 - RIP Ron Morris
On a sad note, we received word on the passing of Ron Morris. Ron was at USC from 1954-57, a 2x NCAA All-American and 6x AAU All-American in the pole vault. He was on the 1960 Olympic Team and won Silver in the vault. Ron was 89.
5/17 - 2024 Media Guide is here
Better late than never, the 2024 T&F Media Guide can be viewed and downloaded at this LINK.
We posted a few photos from Homecoming. If you have any you'd like to add, please send them in: usctrojanforce@gmail.com
11/5 - RIP Sherry Calvert
We received the sad news of the passing of Sherry Calvert. USC's first women's coach, Sherry was also a two-time AIAW collegiate champion for USC in the javelin and a member of the 1972 and 1976 USA Olympic teams.
11/2 - Out of the Blocks Track Banquet
RSVP for the Track Banquet at the Banquet page. Banquet is Sun. Dec. 3rd at the USC Hotel on Figueroa, across the street from campus. Please RSVP by Nov. 24.
10/23 - HOMECOMING - Nov. 4; 12-3pm
We hope you'll all turn out for Homecoming this year. We'll be at the Colich T&F Center from 12-3pm. There's no charge but you do need to RSVP. Homecoming RSVP
7/13 - RIP C.R. Roberts
It was reported on Tuesday the passing of C.R. Roberts. Known for his legendary 1956 performance against Texas that broke through racist barriers, C.R. was also a 24' 9 long jumper and sprinter on the track team in 1955 & 57. C.R. was 87.
5/11 - RIP Leigh Reilly
From South Africa, Leigh was a miler (4:08.0) & 2 miler (9:02.2) on the 1973, 74, and 75 teams. Leigh was battling cancer and passed on Apr. 22.
5/7 - RIP Willie Deckard
We received word yesterday of the passing of Willie Deckard. Willie was on the 1971 & 72 teams and was a member of the champion 4x110 relay squads in both years. A 3x All-American, Willie's 9.2 100y & 20.2 220y in 1971 make him one of our fastest Trojans ever. If we receive any word regarding services we will post that here.
4/16 - Schedule Update
The throwers will be going to the Payton Jordan meet on Apr. 21-22.
3/24 - USC T&F Media Guide is now Available
Go to this LINK.
2/7 - RIP Will Wright
An All-American hurdler while at USC, Will was on the team from 1951 to 1954, all NCAA Champion teams. Will was 2nd in the 120HH at the 1954 NCAA Championships and was an Olympic alternate to the '52 Team.
1/14 - RIP Gary Goettleman
A 9:03.0 2-miler, Gary was on the team from 1962-65.
1/13 - PAC-12 Championships moved to Mt. SAC
This year's venue for the PAC-12s has been moved from Oregon St. to Mt. SAC. I don't know why but it'll be nice to have the meet in our own backyard.
1/2 - Happy New Year!!!
Time for a new track season. The first indoor meet is next Friday (Jan. 13).
11/6 - Out of the Blocks Track Banquet
Please mark Dec. 4 for the USC T&F Banquet. This year we will be in the Ballroom of the USC Hotel on Figueroa there across from campus.
Please list the Banquet page for details.
11/6 - South Bay Athletic Club
Bookmark this website. Conor McCullough is in charge of the throwing center. The facility will be a great place for throwers to train.